Oh, Technology... | Boise Wedding Photographer

Remember records, cassettes, floppy disks? CDs are going the way of all of those too. I was looking at some Apple laptops and noticed that none of the little ones are coming with CD drives anymore. 

This got me thinking, how I can evolve my business to keep up with "the times"? When a client opts for a digital collection, I've been giving them the option of CD or digital download. To my surprise, most people were pretty quick about snagging that digital download. Not only is it easy, but it's instant. No more waiting for that CD to show up in the mail or stuff getting lost.

I started exploring options for weddings. With the number of images that it really takes to capture the wedding, digital download can be tough for some internet connections. Plus I like the feeling of handing over a tangible object.  I knew USBs were an option but they're so, blah. 

However! At my annual photography conference I found a vendor who does USBs and they are cute, and match my style. 

I snapped these with my iPhone really quick before I mailed them off, but you get the idea. They are adorable. 

Boise Idaho Wedding Photographer
Wedding Photographer in Boise Idaho
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What do you think? Do you use USBs more that CDs? Do you use CDs very often?