Modern Day Scrapbooking | Boise Idaho Photographer

Raise your hand if you used to scrapbook or put your printed photos in an album. Raise your hand if you stopped doing that when you switched to digital. Raise your hand if you completely stopped when you started using your iPhone for your camera. 

Hand still raised? 

A few years ago I finally made my own wedding album. When I got the album I realized how rewarding it was to have all those photos printed out in front of me. It made me start thinking about other digital photos I didn't have printed out. 

I started looking through all our honeymoon photos and wanted to print those out too. I didn't want to do a big fancy album like our wedding album but something that was fun to look at.  I put something together, ordered it, and fell in love. 

After that, I promised myself I would do this for every major vacation. I don't usually have time to do it immediately after the vacation but there are always a few naturally slow weeks that I have time to put something like that together. This year I was able to almost completely catch up. I have one trip left from 2010 I'd like to put in a book but otherwise I am caught up. 

I don't really do it for the small trips, though I should. But at least I'm able to get the big ones in there. 



I like to keep ours stored on the fireplace mantle. As the books grow I'll have to find a new place for them. 


How do you organize and display your vacation photos? 

Update: A lot of people asked me where I get my books. These particular books I get from I use this company for personal projects like this where I need to be able to print a lot of pages and the quality isn't as big of a deal.