Wedding Albums - It's Not Too Late! | Boise, Idaho Wedding Photographer

I'll tell you my wedding album story. My husband and I were married in 2009. Since I am a photographer, I was looking for a great photographer who was willing to give a CD because I had the same resources as my photographer would have and would want to do it a certain way. I could print a million prints and it would save me money. Probably a common thought that goes through most couple's minds..

The wedding happened, we got our CD and we were good to go. I blinked a few times and realized 3 years later that I hadn't done ANYTHING with my photos except put them on Facebook and print one 5x7 image that went in a frame in our livingroom. I would like to use the excuse that because I'm in the business I worry more about everyone else's stuff than my own. Could be the case, could be that lots of people have done the same thing. In September of 2012, I decided I had a few days of extra time and I would make up my own album (the album pictured is not mine).




It showed up and I was thrilled! Every time a family member comes over that is the first thing they grab and look through. If I would have realized how often that thing would be pulled out, I probably would have done it right away.




Of course I am not anti-digital or CD, but I'm more anti-leaving your images on a CD forever. I worry that technology is always changing and evolving and if you just leave your images sitting on a CD, you may not be able to access them again. As a photographer, I don't want to be responsible for your images that are lost forever.  Now, several laptop brands are not even coming with CD drives anymore (which is also why I offer digital downloads more and CDs less these days). Of course you should always back your stuff up somewhere else but that doesn't always happen. Laptops die, accounts expire, and photos are lost.


Wedding Album
Wedding Album


I could be old fashioned too, but I really enjoy sitting down and looking through a book of photos sometimes. I think milestones like weddings, births, and every couple years should be in a form that can be enjoyed somewhere other than a screen.




This experience was one that made me really push to for everyone to have an album after their wedding. I understand that weddings are expensive and you have to plan as you go. This sort of thing can always be purchased after, however, it is important to either budget it up front or just do it after the wedding as soon as you can. If you wait too long, your photographer may not have your images assessable anymore.




How long has it been since you've been married? Do you have an album? Something tangible from your wedding day photos? Or do you have a CD sitting in a desk?


If you're a previous client of mine and want to order an album, CONTACT ME and we can work something up.