No Monkeying Around | International Photographer

FYI this is a super random post..

About a year ago, my husband and I decided to venture to central America for our annual vacation. The last few years we have played around Europe but last year decided we wanted a taste of tropical life in Belize. This was our first tropical vacation and now. I. get. it. We came back SO relaxed. In most cases after a European vacation, we need a vacation from our vacation because we are exhausted. This one we came back tan and refreshed.


Anyway, I was reading a book that happened to be talking about monkeys and I remembered I had done some video clips from when we were in Belize, including ones of howler monkeys. We had ventured over to San Ignacio to see the Mayan Ruins and happened to come across a tree with LOTS. We were SO close and it was amazing. Here is a quick little video of those guys. Oh, and these guys aren't howling but we definitely had our fair share of hearing some.


Howler Monkeys in San Ignacio Belize from Tamara Kenyon on Vimeo.


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